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Creator Of The Kishi Kaisei Course


I created this website to help people achieve incredible physical and mental health, regardless of their starting point. I believe biology and psychology are linked, and that by providing a healthy environment for the body we are more likely to fulfill our personal potential through a happy and optimized life. 


In 2017, my health crashed. Hard. One day I was a top tier CrossFit athlete, the next I had panic disorder and heart problems, all at the ripe old age of twenty one. Over the next years healing myself, I learned I was not alone. Left and right, people of the modern era are succumbing to strange symptoms of low energy, heart palpitations, pain, and mental health issues.

These conditions: such as chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple schlerosis, diabetes, and fibromyalgia to name but a few, may all be linked to toxicity in our environment and unnatural stressors of modern life. 

So whether you are in the depths of a chronic condition, or are functional and healthy but feel you could get more out of life, I am here to share all the ways we can re-align our biology with it's intended environment. 


The primary offering of this site is The Kishi Kaisei Course, which acts as an amalgamation of everything I know about detoxification, longevity, biohacking, fitness, and psychology to help you go from any low-point to manifesting your greatest potential.


Alongside the course, I've been posting blogs about all sorts of health topics, both here and on, for years. Finally, I offer coaching services for those looking to radically transform their health using a hands-on approach.


No matter where you are in your journey, I believe healing is possible for you. Please be sure to reach out if you have questions, inquiries or curiosities. I am at your service.


I'd love to speak with you.

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